OCEANROAMERS manages the European (BE) IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS non profit organization.
We are headquartered in Egypt's Ain Sokhna, where we are spearheading, marine conservation & sustainable development programs in the Red Sea. And overseeing the development of the MAERC project.
For additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to us, via our contact page.
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Thought of the day goes to the recent “Shark Incident” in the Red Sea.
Let's start by making sure we understand the following statement:
"The Red Sea is a unique and most beautiful, tropical eco system this however includes an entire array of predators. It is their Sea, we are just mere visitors."
Then now to the point: Are attacks increasing?
Taking into account that more and more 'hoomans' invade deeper and deeper into their hunting grounds. The resounding answer is No!
The best and most plausible explanation in this case, comes from our colleagues at Red Sea Sharks with the fact, that this shark looked very underweight for it's size. This may point to a digestive problem like say plastic or other marine debris obstructing the digestive tract of the shark. So the shark is extremely hungry attacks prey, but just cannot swallow. Which would account for the aggressive behavior witnessed earlier on in the day by other divers.
As to what can be learned from this:
Now to the point as what to do with the area and predator, after such an incident.
The ideal process would be:
Each situation is different, conditions and mood of predator are all variables. Also sometimes easier said than done.
Speaking on a personal level as a Red Sea professional since the early 90's, the Red Sea predator encounters are part of why I fell in love with The Red Sea in the first place.
It is us who are visiting their territory, and not vice versa. We should be respectful, disciplined and alert at all times; when leading groups. Ensure to add proper shark behaviour in ALL your orientation briefings, know your emergency procedures (review internal procedures with your support crew), communication channels and more importantly don't hesitate to use them!
I sincerely wish all involved a speedy recovery, I am sure this event has scarred those involved on a heavy mental level. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the little boy who is still fighting in ICU, but also especially moral support my friend and our colleague Hamada.
Please don't hesitate to add your cronstructive comments, suggestions or questions.
Safe Diving to all,
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