Due to the war in Sudan, we are still reeling from the material loss and currently relocating our operation to Egypt. Be patient, we'll get to updating our site as soon as we can. In the meantime please consider supporting #opredsea by donating. Thank you! Support our work
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Web Development and Architecture services by #DTWC - DiveTheWebCreations.biz

Web Development

DiveTheWebCreations by THEOCEANROAMER

From 1 page websites to fully operational cms systems of more than 20,000 interactive files, internet presences have considerably grown, now throw in SEO, SEM and Social Media and one can quickly feel overwhelmed. Under DTWC we create customized solutions utilizing open source software like Joomla and working closely together with renowned and reputable php developers; together we create online workhorses that work while you sleep.

Thanks for visiting Dive The Web Creations for more information

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