The French mission in Sudan, pledges support for #OPREDSEA projects in Port Sudan

The French mission in Sudan, pledges financial support in 2022 to various #opredsea projects in Port Sudan. The support will enable OCEANROAMERS to continue it's valuable missions, benefiting the sustainable development of the Red Sea for it's coastal communities.

The French mission in Sudan, pledges financial support in 2022 to various #opredsea projects in Port Sudan. The support will enable OCEANROAMERS to continue it's valuable missions, benefiting the sustainable development of the Red Sea for it's coastal communities. Most notably it will support various educational programs benefiting youths, and governmental agencies active in education and research.

And also provide well needed support to the Biodiversity restoration & monitoring projects, OCEANROAMERS is running in the Port Sudan/Wingate Reef Area.

Her Excellency the Ambassador of France in Sudan, and @THEOCEANROAMER at the embassy in KhartoumDuring a lengthy meeting with Her Excellency Madam Raja Rabia, Ambassador to the French republic in Sudan, at the embassy in Khartoum. THEOCEANROAMER had the opportunity to brief her on the current marine environmental situation in the Red Sea. She watched the various presentations and short movies, about the several projects. 
The Ambassador who has previously served in Egypt, was very knowledgeable on issues affecting the Red Sea. 

She congratulated THEOCEANROAMER on his resilience, and reinforced her commitment to support his efforts in the Red Sea.

OPERATION RED SEA (#OPREDSEA) was implemented on the ground in Khartoum and Port Sudan last May 2021, after a 5 month preparation by THEOCEANROAMER and several volunteers.

"Providing logistical, financial and consultative development aid, to both governmental and non - governmental organizations; in their missions to sustainably develop, and protect the Sudanese Red Sea Marine resources for the benefit of nature and it's coastal communities." - #OPREDSEA

THEOCEANROAMER had this to say:
"The support of the French mission, is really a life saver, for our endeavors in the Red Sea. It will enable us to upgrade our support and projects, which until now were severely underfunded. I am so thankful to  Mrs. Lydia Boudriche and her team. It just feels good to receive this recognition. I'll finally sleep better, and have much less worries."

The French mission is scheduling a familiarization trip in 2022, to visit the Red Sea State and the Red Sea Marine Academy project location.

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