I left everything behind in 2021, came back to Sudan, to help the sustainable development of the Red Sea state, for the benefit of the marine environment and it's coastal population. Together with a team of volunteers I work 100% of my time on our activism projects. I offer my services free of charge to governmental and non governmental institutions, teach marine & diving courses for professionals. Stay up to date on our team efforts on my blog. Or check the Updates & Press page." - THEOCEANROAMER

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"One Handed Mask Clearing Technique" Scuba Influencers Reviewed Episode 1

Scuba-Influencers reviewed by TheOceanRoamer Scuba-Influencers reviewed by TheOceanRoamer

Reviewing the The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of #ScubaInfluencers out there.
Today's video was requested by Sandy (Name has been changed), and shows us an Open Water Instructor - Influencer from the Caribbean, who's 'teaching' us a new skill.

The One Handed Mask Clearing Technique #fail

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