Web Development | SEO - SEM | Social Media | Intranet Architecture by #DTWC - DiveTheWebCreations

Web Development

DiveTheWebCreations by THEOCEANROAMER

From 1 page websites to fully operational cms systems of more than 20,000 interactive files, internet presences have considerably grown, now throw in SEO, SEM and Social Media and one can quickly feel overwhelmed. Under DTWC we create customized solutions utilizing open source software like Joomla and working closely together with renowned and reputable php developers; together we create online workhorses that work while you sleep.

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Light commercial and public service dive jobs on Air. S&R, S&S, Surveys, Maintenance of diving and boating equipment.

S & R / Salvage

Throughout more than 3 decades, of professional diving experience, and education; leads the way in emergency situations. Locating/Recovery of people or objects, in large search area's, or in difficult places is our specialty.

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Surveys & Construction

Above and underwater Jetty or Ship inspection, with video, and full reporting. Underwater mapping, environmental impact surveys. Feasibility studies. All reports, delivered to the highest, international standards. Construction, installation of floating jetties, terraces, homes.

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Marine Maintenance

Planning and management of dry dock maintenance for vessels < 75 Tons. In water repairs on small vessels, body works and ship restoration projects. Diving and Boating equipment maintenance, including dive tanks, compressors, outboard/inboard engines.

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